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How to best prepare manual medical records for your digital transformation journey

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When it comes to healthcare, keeping accurate and thorough records is essential. Clinical record-keeping policies are in place in every hospital to ensure that all patient information is recorded correctly and kept secure. However, with the majority of hospitals still using paper-based record systems, it can be difficult to maintain a regimented system.

When it comes to healthcare, keeping accurate and thorough records is essential. Clinical record-keeping policies are in place in every hospital to ensure that all patient information is recorded correctly and kept secure. However, with the majority of hospitals still using paper-based record systems, it can be difficult to maintain a regimented system.

With more and more Trusts within the NHS choosing to embark on their own EDMS project, it’s clear that digital records are the future of the UK healthcare industry. But with digital transformation comes the need to ensure that records are properly prepared for scanning. 

Here are our top tips for preparing physical medical records to ensure the best possible EDMS implementation… 

  1. Start preparing at least six months before 

    Our experts advise that hospitals take appropriate steps in the six months leading up to digital transformation to ensure a smooth transition. This could include simple measures such as preventing damage by keeping records in dry storage and ensuring that each record is organised correctly. 

  2. Ensure records are organised and correctly structured 

    Paper records can become disorganised or lost, making it difficult to maintain an accurate and up-to-date record. Therefore, best practices for record-keeping dictate that each record should be structured in a specific way, with sheets labelled with a clinical identifier to ensure that information can be easily found.

    Although this will naturally help clinicians find and retrieve information in the months leading up to the scanning process, it also ensures that notes are uploaded into the EDMS in the correct format and order.

  3. Incorporate QR codes

    One solution for hospitals looking to move towards a digital record-keeping system is to incorporate QR codes into any necessary forms or stock orders. This can make the digitisation process more user-friendly and efficient, as well as improve the accuracy of record keeping.

    We saw Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust implement this strategy in advance of its digital transformation project and it significantly improved their records management keeping - delivering valuable benefits to healthcare professionals who can now quickly and easily locate key documentation at the point of care.  

  4. Avoid sticking notes on case note covers 

    It’s important to note that while stickers on case note covers for things like EpiPens can be helpful, they may be missed during the scanning process. Although this is standard practice in many hospitals, it would be a good idea to start including stickers for specific medical conditions and medications within the notes instead. This will make sure that vital information doesn’t go unmissed when records are digitised. 

  5. Keep records in dry storage

    It’s crucial to remember that damaged records can be lost when it comes to scanning, and proper measures must be taken to ensure records remain intact and complete. This includes storing records in dry areas and making sure that rooms are free of dampness, mould and pests. 

With the right planning and strategies in place, hospitals can successfully move towards a more efficient and accurate digital record-keeping system to power the future of healthcare. 

Are you ready to embark on your digital transformation journey? Get in touch with us so we can show you exactly what our revolutionary EDMS solution can do for you.

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